I’M BACK! Lowest Weight Yet on Diet – 133.8!

Broke through my previous lowest weight on this diet of 135 where I left off before the 5 glorious days of gastronomic debauchery.

That 5 days cost me 14 days. I could have very realistically lost 7 more lbs in that amount of time.

I’m not crying over spilt milk and what’s done is done but I don’t want to give anyone the false impression that I would recommend they run off and have a food freak out on this diet, especially with HCG still in the system. You’ve already got about 2000 calories of stored fat floating around your bloodstream at any given time and going over the allotted 500 calories will cause your body just to store the excess again. So if you eat a regular meals and some snacks or sweets on a day you’re on HCG, and let’s say that amounts to around 2500 calories, that means you’ve got 4500 calories to burn that day. If your body is only metabolizing and used to burning 2500 calories a day, what do you think is going to happen to that extra 2000 calories? It gets stored as fat. A whole pound of fat. 2000 calories equals about a pound of fat. So, don’t do what I did.

I am glad to have reconfirmed my dairy allergy problem and getting closer to isolating my other food allergy to being wheat. I would have never been able to figure that out had I not cheated out of turn. By going back on P3 per protocol, I’d never have added something like that back in all of a sudden.

I baked a maple nut angel food cake last night and it was every bit of a struggle not to eat it. I made DH wake up and supervise the hardest part where the cake comes out of the pan, then moving the pan to the sink and filling with water without eating the stuff stuck to the inside, then glazing and taking the spoon and the glaze pan away and putting that in the sink before it goes in the hole in my face. He adamantly insisted I put the lid on the cake saver and go out of the kitchen. It was a BYOOTIFUL cake and our customers seem to love it so I hope they love this one up quickly before I have to be in there again.

In my case, this would be more like Homicidal cake….

Back in the Swing of P2

I got brave this morning, er, rather I got more curious that I was afraid. I got on the scale. I was 138.2. I was 138.4 on the first day of my interruption and that was after 2 days of cheating with HCG still in my system. I’m not feeling too bad. I was afraid it was going to be much higher.

That means that I am 3.2 lbs heavier than my last lowest weight at 135 lbs 10 days ago. So that means cookie gobbling incidents and my wildly uncontrolled planned interruption will cost be roughly 2 weeks or better to get back to where I was before I “R-U-N-N-O-F-T”. (Remember the little boy in ‘O Brother, Where Art Thou?) Somehow this must be DH’s fault, I just know it. !

I’ve been back on a pretty tight P2 protocol for four days now and this will be the fifth. Oh, yeah, and that egg nog I said I was going to go procrastinate about, well I did just that so I made it the next day which was yesterday. I also burnt a batch of freezer-dough cookies so told DH to give them away as they aren’t inedible, just not sale-able. There was a lot of taste-spit-wash going on. I wonder how much fat and sugar is absorbed through the membranes in my mouth?

My MIL is wanting to talk about what dishes we are going to bring to Christmas dinner and it really kills me to peruse the internet looking for P3 compliant recipes that everyone can eat. So far, they know they are making a beef roast with potatoes, carrots, and onion. My only suggestion was to buy one double size because I’ll be eating half of it! LOL!!!! Since I have rediscovered the severity of my dairy allergy, I am just about completely at a loss for other holiday dish ideas. I’ve decided to just do a 2 day interruption for Christmas, that is the day of and the day after since I’ll have already lost 2 weeks or more out of this round.

In the meanwhile, I’ve coached DH through making walnut milk and almond milk since he needs to be dairy-free as well. He drank just shy of a 1/2 gallon of walnut milk all gone within 2 days and I’m sure plotting to do the same with the almond milk he made yesterday. He split the batch and made one with skins and the other with the skins removed. I’m having him save the nut pulp for other recipes in the future.

OMG, OMG!!! I just thought of something! Even though we’re both allergic to dairy, we can both eat eggs which means that I can make a nut milk egg nog! And sweeten with stevia or coconut sugar or xylitol or something like that!!!! And it will be P3 compliant!!!!! Gently heating the egg yolks together with some of the milk is what makes it thick, and even if it didn’t, there’s always good ol’ xanthan gum. WOW!!! I can do like pecan or walnut milk…probably pecan milk cuz walnut milk is weird, do a pecan milk egg nog with stevia and/or saccharin for Christmas. (Pecan or walnuts because they are they lowest carb nuts and I’ve had good luck with adding them in early on P3). We’ll also be making sugar-free, wheat-free pizzelles for DH and then regular ones as gifts to everyone else. Everyone except me. Can’t even do oopsie-pizzelles because of the dairy cream cheese. I wonder if I could somehow make them out of a nut butter or nut flour-paste-like substance mixed with egg whites? With some anise or vanilla and some sweetener. I did make oopsie waffles once on an electric waffle maker.

Ok, so far, my Christmas dinner consists of roast beef, onions, cranberry pecan sauce, and nut milk egg nog.

Just a quick note that even though I had dropped to .4 ml or less of HCG last round and this round, I started up again after the interruption using .5 ml and staying there. I tried dropping it to .4 again yesterday morning and I was terribly hungry.

Got Through Yesterday, and Today…

without too much problem, although being in the kitchen is hard. And it is kitchen season – making eggnog, cookies, muffins, and soon – pizzelles! DH will REALLY have to be in the kitchen holding my hand for that one. At least the batter isn’t fun to eat. More on kitcheny stuff in a moment.

I wore my genuine size 7 pants today. They seem a bit more snug than they were last time I wore them but it could be psychological. I’ve noticed there are days when I just feel fat. I’ll wear the same jeans I wore the day before when I felt “skinny” (or rather, “healthy” would be a better descriptive) and I’ll feel as if I was a big fat horse stuffed into a feedsack on the fat-day whereas on a skinny/healthy day, I fancied them as being quite well-fitting, or almost. You know, the glass is half-full/half-empty thing.

I still haven’t weighed yet but DH had insisted that I begin weighing tomorrow. I really didn’t want to do it until these pants fit like they did when I last wore them. Some payback I get, bah!! I led a cookie making expedition last night with DH second in command, or rather what I like to call “stupidvising”. You know, that’s when they stand around and watch, offering aggravatingly helpful unsolicited advice. Nah, actually, that’s not what happened at all. He was very helpful stupidvisor! Mostly his unwavering attention to my every action kept me from eating cookies and that was more than I could ask for. Those are some really awesome wheat-free, dairy-free, cane sugar-free oatmeal raisin cookies! The reason all that happened is DH called me sometime after work and said in the most pathetic lilt, that he almost had to cut off his arm. I asked why and he replied “So that it wouldn’t grab a cookie!” (All the baked goods at the shop all contain either wheat or cane sugar). In sympathy, I began concocting but stopped midway to wait for him to get home with the rest of the ingredients that he took and hid from me previously (at my request, of course). We substituted for the allergen-ingredients: virgin coconut oil, date sugar, coconut palm sugar (a newly discovered product and low glycemic), spelt flour, oat flour, brown rice flour with a little xanthan gum. Otherwise, we followed the recipe and they are really fabulous, both in flavor and texture. One thing about these, they don’t flatten out on the cookie sheet so you have to mash them down like you do to peanut butter cookies.

I do have to taste things, especially when they relate to recipe formulation for the business. In that case, I don’t swallow the offensive substance, and I know this might sound gross but I merely savor it then spit it out, followed by washing my mouth out.

Ok, so today went pretty well. DH left me alone in the shop for about an hour while he went to see my dentist for a second opinion on his tooth that the crown keeps falling off. It’s only about a year old. Prognosis was good and the office visit only cost $35, no charge for x-rays. The chocolate chips that break free (thus running around loose in the cookie tin) from the vegan peanut butter chocolate chip cookies tormented me something awful. Terrible little satanic things. A couple of them disappeared into the hole in my face. I’m glad they are just tiny. Other than that, no other irregularities. I had a fennel bulb at supper tonight.

Well, tonight isn’t over and I have to actually make more egg nog tonight instead of just talk about it, so here I go, going to procrastinate making egg nog.

Don’t Wanna Talk About It

I haven’t wrote about how the planned interruption is going because, well, cuz I donwannatalkaboudit.

I’m eating some of the things I couldn’t and all the things I shouldn’t. Yes, in that respect, it’s going very well. And I’m not recording my weight either. I’m a bad role model so don’t be like me, and stay far, far away from chocolate. (my last stronghold of craving)

I’ve got a batch of baklava to do, probably today, before I go back to P2. I think I’ve satisfied my inner gourmand, no, scratch that, my inner starving wild animal. I’m getting back to the place where my desire to not be coated in a thick layer of flab is beginning to bore the animal back into its den…hopefully for another hundred years or so, or just several months. GET THEE BEHIND ME, CHOCOLATE CHIPS! NO, WAIT! STAY AWAY FROM MY BEHIND!

My ex-step-mother had a little wooden stool she got for one of her daughters that was imprinted with the bratty saying “This little stool is mine, I use it all the time, to reach the things I couldn’t, and all the things I shouldn’t”. That saying used to puzzle and confound me as a young person not yet in high school, later, made me retch. I now reminds me of a sour, bratty little girl raised by a sour, bratty mean woman. Nah, Idonwannatalkaboudit.

The Prize Beads

They’re the silver and gold ones to the left and right of the center bead – the one with the spirals, and the other one with the “O”s.

The spiral one was the prize for reaching my goal of 20 lbs of loss this round, the other one was a huge surprise to make up for the prize that never really got finished way back from last round. If you will recall, DH was supposed to clean off the porches for one of my weight loss benchmarks but he never got around to the back porch…so I not so subtly hinted that he could just get me a particular inexpensive charm bead to make up for it, that way he wouldn’t have that hanging over his head anymore. I was incredibly surprised when I opened the box and found both of my favorite coveted beads in there…and not the inexpensive one that I had asked for either. I never dreamed he’d get me both of these.
The bracelet he got me last Christmas along with two of the glass beads, the 3rd glass bead I got myself and the two squiggly silver beads he got me for my birthday. Yes, it’s another faddy materialistic consumerist pursuit but it sure is fun and it makes me happy. That counts for a lot.

Lost 20.2 Lbs So Far!

You probably want pictures. Well.

I’m so excited!

I lost 20 Lbs!

I get my 20 Lb prize!

I made my 20 lb goal before Thanksgiving!

Total poundage lost since committing to this diet overall is 58.6 lbs. I have 26.4 more lbs to lose to reach goal. I’m going to qualify that statement once again and say that if my goal turns out to be underweight, then it will have to be adjusted upward. It is difficult to know just what I should weigh.

Yesterday, I wore the thrift store (fake) size 2 petite jeans all day with a slight muffin belly effect but not in a painful way. I am pleased with the fit, they are Eddie Bauer brand which is neither here nor there but at least now I have an idea of where I can go to get something that fits. I’d say they are probably like the old-fashioned size 6. Doesn’t that just seem unreal? One day a size 6, the next a size 2…but it’s all the same.

Speaking of pictures, I guess I won’t do the black tights against a white door again. Too much contrast. I’ll either go back to the boy shorts or find a new darker background with the tights.

As Christmas plans are coming together, I am gleefully anticipating more everyday the 7 day planned interruption. It will prolong the round but judging from my agony towards the end of my first round, this break might really help me stay focused for the long haul. I’m in for an extra long Phase 2 round anyway since I plan to stay on it until I reach goal or hit immunity. I just don’t really want to have to do this again. Mainly, I don’t want to have to wait for another whole round to get new clothes. (Yes, it’s all about the clothes!) I don’t like finding something then having to get rid of it and finding something new. Finding new stuff part is ok, the parting with stuff part isn’t my favorite, cathartic – yes, easy – no.